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BlackBerry Connectivity | Email Archiving | Exchange Migration | Mobile Device Solutions

MDaemon Mail Server's Secure Instant Messaging

ComAgent included with MDaemon Email Server for Windows, provides secure instant messaging (IM), address book synchronization, and an email monitoring tray applet that provides quick access to WorldClient's (MDaemon's web mail client) email features.
Secure Instant Messaging
ComAgent is equipped with a complete secure instant messaging system. You can view your list of ComAgent "buddies" and each one's online status (online, away, offline), start a conversation with any one or group of them, set your own online status, and view past conversations in a history folder.

Many businesses and administrators have reservations about using an Instant Messaging system in their company due to the inherent lack of centralized accountability and the inability to monitor IM traffic from traditional and well known IM clients. ComAgent's instant messaging system was designed to minimize those deficiencies. Advantages of using ComAgent:
Every IM passes through the mail server; i.e. ComAgent is not peer-to-peer. Individual ComAgent clients do not connect directly to each other.
- Each message is logged in a central location accessible to the MDaemon/WorldClient administrator. A record of all conversations can be maintained for the security of both your company and your employees or users.
- ComAgent's IM system is secure in that each transaction is encrypted from start to finish so that plain text is never transmitted.
- Third-party spam cannot infiltrate ComAgent's closed network.
- The ComAgent interface is compatible with msstyles skins which are readily available on the Internet. Several styles are included.

Automatic Address Book Synchronization
ComAgent can be used to provide two-way address book synchronization between MDaemon Mail Server and the Outlook/Outlook Express address book on each user's local computer. Thus, if you use both Outlook or Outlook Express and WorldClient at different times, the address books will match in both products.
Anyone using ComAgent with the proper access credentials can also add Public contacts by using the Windows Address Book directly, or through Outlook/Outlook Express. The new contact will be picked up by ComAgent and uploaded to MDaemon's address book. From there all other users on your network will have access to the new contact the next time their ComAgent queries MDaemon.
Obtaining and Installation
ComAgent can be downloaded by each WorldClient user and then installed on the individual's local computer. It is pre-configured for the specific user when downloaded thus limiting the need to configure it manually.
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